Saturday, July 11, 2009


While John Key goes on 

Trips to Hawaia,
Trips to Samoa, dancing
Selling his cast on trademe, and talking about cycle lanes:

Here is what happens to allot of people. 

"Dozens of people are suffering really badly. They need a lot of support to get through this sorry mess because they've got the financial worries and the loss of security. For some people there's no hope."

Gray said local authorities and lawyers who charged huge fees shouldered much of the blame.

"The result is they don't have enough money to fix their homes and they're just dying a slow and miserable death in their rotten, defective homes."

Many were once successful businesspeople who were struggling to cope with the stigma of mental illness. "We've got high-profile people in executive jobs who won't get help because of the stigma of depression - they fear how that will impact on their future and their career," said Gray.

He knew of one "very well-known businessman" who had been hit particularly hard. "He's saying 'I'm tough, but this has just brought me to my knees'."

Gray wants the Government to put more effort into helping homeowners fix their properties and offer help to people who aren't eligible to go to the tribunal or can't afford litigation.

Friday, July 10, 2009

I'm Off guyse 
I think I could go to UK, Melbourne or 

I can't say.

January is the plan.


John Banks,

What the Fuck you doing, you cuntsuckin wankhead. 

Stop pissing around.. And Hide, leave the super city fuking thing alone and sort economy out. 

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Letter to John ..

Dear John,

look enough of the nice guy stuff. The country has some serious issues.

Can you stop trying to please the Labour camp. They got our country into this mess. And we need some hard radical action to get a better economy.

I am really disappointed you did not keep your tax cut commitment. Keeping your word can often be hard thats what the measure of a man is. I would have liked you to find another method, probably removing most government departments and selling few shares in Air NZ if you had too.

You needed to be working on this stuff along time ago when you where in opposition, There was plenty of time to have a robust economic plan to get us going, and the signs of of destructive Labour polices where clear many years ago. The Maori issues are really upsetting for many Kiwis, it is very divisive and I would have liked to see a stronger leader on this.

Roger Douglas is the only chance for NZ but because of your personal issues not to work with someone who would make your job unenjoyable "thats a quote from you" you choose a safe and bad option. It is a real shame.

The Public Sector is an embarrassment, perhaps you could have brought some departments you needed to Auckland since we pay half of their incomes. Remove a few and open up privatization.

Why have you not learnt about capitalism and why it is needed, at your age you should know how capitalism and the mechanics work. It's is a shame not to .

You could also reduce your staffs wages and all MPS and then limit the number of MPS.
You work for use remember. It's a real shame how you enjoy our money and just spend on unnecessary things.

The Universities in NZ most could be sold a lot are mediocre anyway.

Now last is the transport in Auckland, it's a shame you have not been faster with your policy here. We have waited years for a train service now you dilly dally.

I think if you wanted to be you could be OK leader, start with getting rid of some off your ministers: Bill English, Gerri Bownfart,

OK thanks.


NZ is a cum stain in a rag. 

It such a joke, man . 

Lawyers are the cunts who can be blamed. 
Government council 
Maori dicks
and actually most of NZ. 

Bar few kids,  and some Act party members.


National and labour had sex together mmmmm

and fated out English, keys and some stuff

This country is a joke. I'm of guys. Sorry but your the crappiest country who says it's a developed nation. Sad crud of a nation. Bye all. If you don''t know this by now you're a looser. Message to the world carful before you come here: and look at

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I have come to the sad realization than NZ is not going to change

I am planning to go  Melbourne, YEah:

Or Europe or USAA!!!!! Yeah

I am looking forward to it already, 

8 year plan. Here I go . 

Look for jobs get a  girl that wants to go with me:::::>>>>


Fuck you NZ!!!


I am toooooooooooo angry... 

I am so agry with NZ, and its goverment. 

I am so angry I can;t keep in anymore. 

Stupid NZ voteing ina a disguting Goverment 

I don't care. 

But muderrs crimne is allover the palce in NZ> 
and no one does a fuck about it.

Fujkc you all NZ yo ubincg of lazy disguting bastartds

Your all bad I don't care anymore. 

Fuck you all.

I'm out of here, planning on getting out of NZ .
I can take one person i have chosen them. 

SO rest if you live in the crap you have made,

Unless your under about 14 years old or over 80 you all guilty.



Sorry Bill Enghlish- you've done your bit step aside.

 You don't have what it takes to be our finance Minister English. You may be a nice guy and you seem a nice guy. Do the honorable thing and move aside. 4 million people need leadership. We need someone with imagination, or energy. Please stop keeping NZ in the 80s. You have provided little inspiration with helping NZ grow. Lets get Roger Douglas or someone ago

He should resign and owes it to our country. Many people who are poor hungry and don't have a voice can;t say this. He is paid enough. He is not performing and has been paid to be in oppersition for 9 years and have not come out with any solutions in that time.
about an hour ago ·

Saturday, July 4, 2009

BIll English

FUCK the National party.

Tax cuts!!!!!!

Lying Pricks!!!!!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

NZ Governance.

Hi and welcome:

Blog 1.
First Blogs
NZ politics

Actually what we need it to get rid of MMP

Social systems don’t work as you all have learnt. – as labour showed.

I propose a yearly election where the government is based on a performance basis. We should have a concrete constitution, based similar to the USA’s on unequivocal human rights and freedoms.

Then we implement a governance which stops government from growing and keeps balance of powers, and keep them to their core duties. With a social exception and special abitlies if some are being hurt. We have outliers of government for social injustices etc.

Keep numbers down to 80 MPs and cap their wages.

Then elections can be based on a Character.
